There are many facets to tax planning, whether it be through a customized estate plan to reduce income and estate taxes or to selecting a certain entity for your business to ease the burden of income taxes. Our advice is tailored to your priorities, which for many, is to keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pocket.
Through the use of advanced estate planning tools, Leonard Law can protect you and your loved ones from a greater tax bite. Many people believe that estate planning and establishing a business is simple and online software and websites can replace the services provided by an attorney. However, the cost of establishing an estate plan or creating a business is usually negligible considering the potential tax savings. Additionally, Leonard Law tailors the documents to each of our client’s individual needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Additionally, Leonard Law can assist clients with the preparation of gift, estate and fiduciary returns. Employing strategies to shift the tax burden to taxpayers in lower tax brackets is an important consideration that we share.
With the ever-evolving tax laws, safeguarding your legacy is a critical part of the planning process. Contact Leonard Law today to learn more about the many strategies we utilize to develop sophisticated and effective tax plans for our clients.